Dragon Hot Pot Everyday

Food allergy Notice
Please be advised that our products may contain Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Soybean, Peanuts, Tree nuts, Fish, Shellfish and other allergens. If you are allergic to the above ingredients, we do not recommend you to consume our products. Please understand that Dragon Hot Pot is not liable for any adverse reactions from consumption.

食材含有奶製品、蛋、小麥、大豆、花生、堅果、魚類、貝類魚種等成分 若您對食物過敏,為了您的安全著想,本店将無法接受您的訂單! 在未告知情況下,食用本店餐點所產生的任何過敏反應, 一麻一辣將無法承擔相關責任,謝謝理解。